Free Fun Instant Win Progressive Jackpot Lotto
Link & Impressions Advertising
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Add your website URL to links, impressions or both.

For links simply add URL and title in the links section, select cost and seconds,
then submit to add. Then add amount of funds for that link.

For impressions simply add URL in the impressions section then submit to add.
Then add amount of funds for that URL for impressions.

You can add or subtract funds to your url's' or if you delete your url the
funds will be placed back into your account instantly so no worries.

Players can only click your links once each day per url and impressions are
shown at random during lotto game play by 1000's of players.

Players can only click each link 1 time each day and
impressions are shown as players play there tickets
You add your sites with many options for time,
amount and number of tickets to give